happy to see you!

I’m a writer, editor, ghostwriter, fiber artist, regular artist, mind wanderer, world observer and explorer, idea rabbitholer, mom. I’ve been an office manager, a bank teller, an assistant manager of a book store, a periodicals librarian, an elementary school board member and participation chair, an adult-ed teacher on parenting, a mentor for robotics clubs, and a high school English teacher.
I’ve spent most of my life trying to figure out what gets in the way of living and what it means to live once you have a bead on what those things are. I’m smart enough to know you never reach the end of that first bit, but you’d better start doing that second bit as soon as you can.
This is my professional site, sure, but in my experience, professional lives aren’t meant to be partitioned off into some dead zone over there, away from my “real life.” We aren’t what we do. I’ve listed all the things I’ve done, but I am under no illusion they give you any idea who I am. And they shouldn’t.
You get a better idea of who I am when you read about my search for living a meaningful life. That’s closer to who I am, because that’s who I am no matter what it is I’m doing.
You’ll see all sorts of stuff on this site. Thoughts about everything and anything. Because I believe that we all want to connect, to communicate, and through these connections and conversations, we make the world.
Feel free to poke around. Take what feeds your soul, leave the rest.
Come join my world for a bit—or forever.